West Monroe receives 100 score in 2021 Corporate Equality Index

Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s annual benchmarking survey and report recognizes firm as a best workplace for LGBTQ equality 

West Monroe, a national business and technology consulting firm, announced today that it received a score of 100– the highest possible – on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s 2021 Corporate Equality Index (CEI). Over nearly 20 years, the Index has become the nation’s premier benchmarking survey and report for measuring corporate policies and practices related to LGBTQ workplace equality. 

West Monroe is among 1,142 major U.S. companies rated this year and one of 767 to receive a perfect score and designation as a “Best Place to Work for LGBTQ Equality.” This is West Monroe’s third year participating in the Corporate Equality Index and the first time it has achieved a top score. 

“Internally, we know the effort we put into being an inclusive workplace, but we are extremely proud to receive validation from a recognized external arbiter whose assessment is based on market expectations.”

WMPride, West Monroe’s LGBTQ employee resource group (ERG), formed three years ago. Today, it has champions in each office and approximately 150 members, including allies. Among other areas of focus, the group works directly with company leaders to develop education and influence policy. Areas of focus include: 

  • Benefits and business practices: West Monroe has long provided healthcare benefits that support same sex partners and gender confirmation. More recently, the company made sure inclusivity was top of mind in planning moves to three new offices during 2020; for example, by providing gender-neutral restrooms, wellness rooms, and prayer rooms.
  • Education and training: The company has prioritized training and discussion around bias in the workplace as part of its Inclusion and Diversity program. Following a successful pilot, a custom-developed course on unconscious bias is now part of the core curriculum and mandatory for directors. 
  • Community involvement and support: West Monroe supports LGBTQ community organizations in its markets through donations, volunteerism, and pro bono work. Key partnerships include Howard Brown Health in Chicago; Carlson School of Management Compass in Minneapolis; and GBSA, Washington State’s LGBTQ and allied chamber of commerce. Additionally, West Monroe has reviewed and updated corporate giving policies; for example, to avoid directing corporate support to organizations whose primary mission includes advocacy against LGBTQ equality. 

“We took to heart the input received during our first two years of participation in the Corporate Equality Index and used that, along with feedback from our employees, to determine where to focus our energy for improvement: Combatting bias, donating to and supporting the right community organizations, and establishing the right internal practices all work together to elevate our impact,” said Will Hinde, managing director, leader of West Monroe’s Healthcare & Life Sciences practice, and executive sponsor of WMPride. “That said, a perfect score in no way means we have solved for inclusion. This will be a sustained journey, and the destination will always be evolving. 

The Corporate Equality Index is a detailed assessment that rates companies based on non-discrimination policies, employment benefits, demonstrated organizational competency, and accountability around LGBTQ diversity and inclusion, public commitment to LGBTQ equality, and responsible citizenship. 

“From the previously unimaginable impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, to a long overdue reckoning with racial injustice, 2020 was an unprecedented year. Yet, many businesses across the nation stepped up and continued to prioritize and champion LGBTQ equality,” said Alphonso David, Human Rights Campaign President. “This year has shown us that tools like the CEI are crucial in the work to increase equity and inclusion in the workplace, but also that companies must breathe life into these policies and practices in real and tangible ways. Thank you to the companies that understand protecting their LGBTQ employees and consumers from discrimination is not just the right thing to do—but the best business decision.” 

The full report is available online at www.hrc.org/cei.

About West Monroe
West Monroe is a national consulting firm that was born in technology but built for business—partnering with companies in transformative industries to deliver real, measurable results. Technology is who we are, it is not something we bolted on overnight, and we believe it is one of the greatest enablers of business value. That’s why we work in diverse, multidisciplinary teams that blend industry expertise with deep operational and technology capabilities to create quantifiable, financial value for our clients. Our 1,500 employees based in eight offices across the United States also own 100% of our business, so when you partner with us you know we are committed—because your success is our success. Our undeniably different approach breeds undeniable results. Visit WMP.com to learn more.

About the Human Rights Campaign Foundation
The Human Rights Campaign Foundation is the educational arm of America's largest civil rights organization working to achieve equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual transgender and queer people. HRC envisions a world where LGBTQ people are embraced as full members of society at home, at work and in every community.

For all inquiries, please contact:
Christina Galoozis
Senior Manager, External Communications
[email protected] 