Digital & Data Platforms

Bottom line? Traditional approaches to building a robust, real-time data platform won’t work in today’s marketplace. We think there’s a better way.

The world is increasingly digital. An ever-growing number of processes in your organization depend on real-time data from internal systems and external sources. You need a platform that can keep up. The problem? This kind of capability has traditionally been brittle and complex to build.

At West Monroe, we do things differently. We specialize in building digital and data platforms so that you can use your wealth of data to win.

We employ modern architectures, including microservices, event-based patterns, and related technology platforms. Let us help you build new capabilities that fit into your enterprise and enable iterative modernization of legacy technology.

What’s so different about our approach?

  • We see the bigger picture: We view digital platforms as a business challenge we can solve—not just a technology solution we can build. Technology is in our DNA, but we don’t tack it on for its own sake
  • We’re focused on impact: By combining our technology acumen with a deep understanding of your industry’s operations and business needs, we can create real solutions, not quick fixes
  • We make it real: We don’t just architect solutions—we also build and implement them. Together, we can make a meaningful impact
  • We explore all options: We apply a pragmatic approach to find the right solution to your business need—one that is not simply focused on technology

Results You Can Expect

  • Accelerate introduction of new digital services to your customers, employees, or other stakeholders—and realize value faster
  • Add new services without affecting existing services or systems
  • Enable near real-time decision making and reporting
  • Create the capacity to grow your business—without limits

What We Offer

Early value

We analyze your functional processes and identify the best initial opportunity to deploy a modern architecture. Using tools like Apache Kafka, Amazon Kinesis, and Event Hubs on Azure, we architect and build solutions to provide services with the right data in near real-time. This way, you can see what success looks like quickly, helping you build support and momentum for broader change.

Continuous expansion

Building on your initial success, we continue to apply this architectural approach to additional functional areas. Each iteration expands the scope and benefits of your modern data platform.

Data Sources and Systems integration

As we build new data-consuming services, we also work to enhance the data received from the sources. This includes cleansing data, creating methods for ingesting it into reporting platforms, establishing a common data model, and building additional outputs. This allows reporting tools and applications to consume better, cleaner data. 

Skills for the future

We don’t just prescribe a solution. We work in the trenches with your team to design, build, and implement it. That way, your team has the skills to continue building once our work is done.

Cloud strategy

We can help you build a modern platform to create the agility and responsiveness necessary to quickly bring new products, service, and capabilities to market. We’ll help your business execute a prudent and cost-conscious cloud migration strategy that maximizes the value of your existing infrastructure investments while improving your ability to rapidly respond to change.

Want to learn more?